Sunday, July 18, 2021
Project Next - Module 2
Module 2.1
- Knowledge industry
- Information industry
- Self-education industry
Think about it, how many things in life work for you when you didn’t have the guidance when you first tried to figure it out on your own? Sometimes even going to the gym, you try to do it on your own then you give up. If you ever get a trainer who keeps you accountable and shows you what to do, you get results, and that’s why you are here.
Did you ever hear the story of NASA trying to build and create a pen that worked in the space? Did you guys ever hear about that? NASA was trying to create a pen that works in the space. They tried everything because there is no gravity to push the ink down, they tried to pressurize it and all of those pieces. Do you know what the Russian astronauts use? A pencil. Think about that!
We have to niche it down, make it smaller. The smaller we get, the greater opportunity we have not only to grow our business but to grow our confidence.
Don’t be scared to niche down, because when you niche down, you actually expand the ability to grow your business.
The best definition of marketing I ever heard in my life was: “attracting those you want and repelling those you don’t.”
Happiness is not just about money it’s all about freedom.
How to get expert contribution: “Hey there’s too much pain in children from divorced families. You are an expert! I want to put together a course or a training or a workshop or a mastermind or a zoom call with people that could really help parents. I would love it if you would be a part of that because I love your work.” If you ask 50 people you will get 10.
They say the self-education industry he’s on fire. Unfortunately, people learning through their own trial and error takes too long it is too painful.
Model 2.2
Who is your ideal client? The person that goes: “I want to learn from you, exactly what you teach”
In most cases, our prospect, our future ideal client, is just us from last year, or 3 years ago, or 5 years ago.
What would be the ideal age? Is there a certain education you think they should have? What about gender? What about their income range? What are their hobbies?
What are three things that they keep up your ideal client and night? What are the biggest worries? What do they stress about?
Do you need to teach them in order to help them get results?
Marketing is leaning into and teaching the exact person to get from where they are to where they want to go.
Where do you think your ideal client hangs out?
You have the opportunity in today’s world to find your ideal client in moments when you know who they are, you know what you are teaching and you know where to find them.
Alexa is not a person, Alexa is your ideal client. How cool it is to know your ideal clients so well that you could say it is a great product, but not for our ideal client.
We live in a world where people don’t want to learn from professionals anymore, they don’t want to go back to college. They want to learn from someone who went through the experience. Who wants to learn from someone who has already been there? All of us.
Create a little solution statement.
I help ___ achieve ___ without ___
I help young college graduates take their hobby of photography and turn it into a full-time career without having to stress about getting new clients.
Module 2.3: Create your framework: how are you going to teach it?
Have you ever add a training that was very inspirational, but when you were done, even though you feel good, you didn’t know what to do next?
We know you need the training and tools, but you need the mindset first.
- story
- teach
- action
Your story has to be a scene in your life that sets up what you are about to teach.
The story has to show why you are experienced to teach this. And what you discover. The story allows them to see the end result in advance.
What people get wrong when they think of a story is they think of the story of their whole life. Remember, the story is a scene that sets you up to teach and why you are qualified.
1. your origin story tells why you are the expert
2. it is really just about the scene (we have already covered the difference between a story and a scene)
3. all you need is two good sentences to start off your story
“Have you ever in your adult life, looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, wow, I thought I would be farther ahead by now? If you are, you are not alone. Let me tell you about this… “
Be authentic and passionate when you tell the story. Don’t tell a perfect story. Tell me your story. People just want to hear from your heart.
Associate to your why: “me too” versus “so what”.
Give them your unique perspective.
Framework: story, teach, action.
Under teach there are 3 sections:
- strategy
- tactics
- social proof
Tactics are nothing more than the exact steps. Tactics are the things you do. It is the tactics that make the strategy real.
Then you anchor it in with social proof. Social proof: the proof that this works.
The last piece is action. The momentum has begun.
Sometimes people just teach and don’t want you to do anything. They would rather just inspire you and move on. We are in this business to help people not just inspire them. If you tell a good story and you teach without getting them to take any action, even an uncomfortable action, you will just be the provider of great information, not the person that changes their life.
Module 2.4 - Decisions, the pathway to success
The results come not by understanding stuff but by taking actions.
Why do most people fail? The answer is they fail to take action.
Knowledge is not power, it is potential power, it is a resource.
New results come from new actions, new actions are all fathered by decision. Decision-making makes the difference between being a leader and being a follower.
A real decision is when you cut off anything except the thing you are committed to. If you want to take the island, burn the boats.
The framework of my life is if I don’t like how something is, I change it.
The secret is the ability to make decisions when you don’t have all the information. A decision made from fear is usually the wrong decision.
Are you going to focus on what’s wrong or what’s right? What is wrong is always available so is what is right. Which one are you going to focus on? Because whatever you focus on, you are going to feel it.
Unless you discipline yourself to find the good, the way the brain works, the old brain, the survival brain it’s always looking for what is wrong. Then it will make you survive, but it won’t make you succeed. It certainly will not make you happy.
Power of decision. Make decisions more often.
Understand the power of the decision, make them more often, build the decision-making muscles.
Do you know how to avoid criticism? Aristotle said: “say nothing, to nothing, be nothing. That’s the only way not to be criticized.”
Learn from your decisions, then stay committed to your decisions, but flexible in your approach to get them.
To grow up as a leader you have got to make tough decisions because any idiot can make the easy decision.
Rule 13: “When put in charge, take command!“
“What did I tell you about Rule 13? When put in charge, take command. A decision needed to be made. It’s been 7 years and they can make a decision and both sides are equally intelligent. So I picked one.“ But General, what if it is wrong? “If it is wrong, we will discover it is wrong sooner than sitting on the fence. Then we will change it to another one. Meanwhile, we are moving forward. Do you know how I made that decision? Rule 14: do what is right. Do your best judgment of what is right. If you discover it is not, change it, if that doesn’t work, change it.“
Clarity is power, it’s easier to make a decision when you are clear about what you really want.
R > Result oriented > what do you really want?
P > Purpose-driven > why do I want it? what is the purpose?
M > Massive Action Plan > what to do, everything I think I need to do
20% of things we will get you 80% of your progress: we all know the 80/20 rule.
Realize how important decision-making is to make it a habit.
1. stack the habits (like take your vitamins more regularly, then place them next to your toothbrush)
2. start small (like you do three push-ups, but you do every day)
3. now that you’ve done something small, expand it, improve it
You are building momentum, your building muscle, you are building your mind, developing a new habit.
I learned from this guy who ran literally 1000 miles, he did this 1000 mile run over 11 days, you can imagine it?
Success leaves clues.
Sister Madonna story (grow belly, pregnant, start taking care of the temple, exercising, everyday 10% more)
Just make a decision.
If it is an easy decision, any idiot can make it. Make the tough decision, change your life, change your business.
Love and respect to you. God bless!
Module 2 – Bonus: Design a talk that influences with BEND WIMP
If your learning leads to knowledge then you become a foul. If your learning leads to action, as my friend Jim Rohn used to say, then you can do anything you want.
To grow your business everything you need is innovation and marketing: a) you’re going to innovate, that means you’re going to find a better way to meet the needs of your clients b) marketing is getting those who want to do business with you.
All the audiences I talk were completely different. Different demographics, psychographics, and today I work in hundreds of countries.
To influence another human being, you have got to know what already influences them, and everyone is different.
I want to make it precisely to meet their needs and that is how you over-deliver.
So what does BEND WIMP Stand for?
I want to know what do they Believe
How are they going to Evaluate what I’m sharing with them?
What are their Needs?
What are their Desires?
What are the Wounds?
What are their Interests?
Who are they role Models?
What are they Proud of?