Sunday, June 19, 2022
The secret: the law of attraction
Do you really want it? You can have everything!
Every thought in your mind, you are attracted to it.
Imagine that you already have in your mind what you are thinking … be absolute clear in your mind about what you want …
You become what you are thinking about the most
You attract what you are thinking the most
1. Thoughts
2. Become
3. Thanks
Thoughts have a frequency, thoughts are like magnetic signals, thoughts send signal to the universe.
Problem is that most people often think what they don’t want
Even if you think past present or future, you are activating thoughts and the law of attraction will respond to it.
Focus on what you want [meditation]
Change the focus from you don’t want to what you want.
Hardest concept is that you didn’t attract the car accident …
So many thoughts coming to you from so many subjects. We think our thoughts are on autopilot, our feelings are on autopilot. But you want to monitor of your thoughts, chose carefully your thoughts.
Your thoughts cause your feelings.
There are 2 kinds of emotions: these which make you feel good and these which make you feel bad.
Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming.
You are getting exactly what you are feeling about, not so much what you are thinking about.
Shifting emotion can change life.
It is very important that you feel good, the more you feel good the more you can attract good things, good people.
What you think, what you feel, and what you get is always a match.
Feeling down? You can switch in a second: put some music, song a song, think about something beautiful
[need to recall and visualize the best memory with Kera]
When you begin to guide your thoughts based on the way they fell and begin to notice the correlation between What you are thinking and feeling and what is coming back to you … you are the creator of your life.
“You wish is my command”
1. Ask: ask for what you want and the universe will respond to your thoughts
2. Answer: answer to what you are asking is not up to you but it is up to the universe
3. Receive: must in alignment with you are asking for
Write what you want in a piece of paper, write it on details, the universe is like your catalogue, like you are placing an order to the universe.
The universe like speed, don’t like delay. When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, ACT! That’s your job.
The light of a car, at night, can light about 100 meters. But you can go from New York to Los Angeles at night without seeing all way, all you need is to see the next 100 meters, piece by piece. Life keeps unfolding.
Take the first step in faith.
You don’t need to see the whole staircase; you just need to take the first step.
How long is going to take to manifest? It depends how you are aligned with the universe.
“All that we are, is the result of what we have thought”
Very powerful process: GRATITUDE!
Start making a list of things you are grateful for.
This will shift your energy.
All the things you feel good about.
Every morning start saying thank you.
Run through what you are grateful for …
Not just thinking but putting the feeling of gratitude inside
VISUALIZE: when you visualize, then you materialize.
The mind can’t really distinguish between what it is in your mind and what it is actually happening.
Always dwell upon the end result.
See he back of your hand holding the steer of the car you are dreaming.
The feeling crates the attraction, not just the thought nor the picture.
Our job is not to figure out the “how”, but show up the commitment and the belief.
The universe says “your wish is my command”.
“Whatever the mind of a man can conceives, it can achieve”
“When you have inspired thoughts, you have to trust it and you have to act on it”
Put 100.000$ check stack on the ceiling.
How to make the that set figure of money? I have a book which I don’t sell, sell it many copies.
How can I attract more money in my life?
DECLARE what you like to have form the catalogue of the universe.
For example, if cask is one of the desires, I would like to have 25.000$ cash within 1 month.
When you think, when you talk about not having enough money, you are actually deactivating the law of attraction.
Law of attraction: what you focus is what you get!
Visualize the check coming in the mail (visualize Lazada order coming, or a Thai importer …)
Wealth is a mindset.
You can be rich but it doesn’t guarantee you will be wealthy.
Life is meant to be abundant in all areas.
All things will not guarantee your happiness, the other way around, first get peace, get inner joy, get inner happiness then things will come.
Do you treat yourself the way you want other people treat you?
Get yourself up to FULNESS
Healthy respect for yourself, like you want to kiss yourself. You must orient yourself to be the best part of these people surrounding you. Get a notebook, make a list of positive aspects.
She was diagnosed with Brest cancer. She started everyday thanks for her healing. (Should start thanks for K back)
“Man become what he thinks about”
What u resist it persists!
Madre Teresa was brilliant, she said I will never attend the anti-war rally, if you have a peace rally invite me…
You have to be informed but u don’t need to be inundated.
Learn how to become a steel, take your attention away from u don’t want and all emotions change around it and place the attention on what u wish to experience.
There is more than enough for everyone.
Life is meant to be abundant.
Remove your attention from the things you don’t want.
Give undivided attention to the things you do want.
The things u don’t want don’t talk about it.
Everything in the universe is energy.
What are going to do now? What you chose now? Focus on what u want and what u don’t want falls away.
Guiding your thoughts on purpose, the creator of your own experience because u are the manager of your thoughts.
Inner happiness is the fuel of success.
“Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls”
Now u understand, the more u uses the more u understand.
Now you have different believes:
There is more than enough in the universe
Everything goes right for me
Create everything you want.