Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Pasta Frolla



Saturday, April 10, 2021

Crema Pasticcera + metodo vulcano Montersino

Benedetta recipe

- 500ml latte
- 2 uova
- 4 cucchiai colmi
- 4 cucchiai colmi farina

Latte sul fuoco a scaldare

In un altro tegame si rompe le uova, zucchero, frustare, farina, frustare … togliere il latte dal fuoco e aggiungere poco a poco a uovo zucchero farina e frustare bene per non fare grumi, dopo aver amalgamato riportare sul fuoco a fare cuocere per 5 minuti

Metodo Vulcano

- 300 gr tuorlo (~18%)
- 300 gr zucchero (~18%)
- 35 amido mais (~2%)
- 35 amido riso (~2%)
- 1 lt latte (~60%)

[solidi (uovo zucchero farina) 40% latte 60%]

latte a bollire, si versa un cucchiaio di zucchero sul fondo, cosi il latte non si attacca al fondo
uovo e zucchero frustare, lo zucchero impedice la coagulazione dell’uovo nel latte (impedisce effetto frittata), frustare bene per inglobare aria
quando il latte bolle, si abbassa la fiamma e si versa il composto nel latte, il quale dovrenne galleggiare senza toccare il fondo, per questo non occorre girare perche l’uovo galleggia e non tocca il fondo, si alza il fuoco perche il latter si e raffreddato, piano piano il latte bolle e attraversa la crema cuocendo la farina, la attraversa simulando l’eruzione di un vulcano … a questo punto e cotta, si puo spengere il fuoco … la crema e cotta si deve amalgamare, si gira bene bene con al frusta per legarsi e miscelarsi …

riporre in un tray, coprire con pellicola e mettere in frigo, prima di usarla ricordarsi di lucidarla bene

Choux pastry - Pâte à choux - Bignè


acqua sul fuoco, butto a dadini cosi si scioglie subito, assicarso che il burro sia sciolta quando l’acqua bolle, aspettare che l’acqua bolle bene (non solo un paio di bollicine) e buttare la farina tutto un colpo e cucchiaio di legno girare velocemente finche si forma un panetto e si stacca dai bordi

trasferire in planetaria, non raffreddare troppo, un minuto non di piu e mixare cosi si farrdedda un po, aggiungere le uova una alla volta e farle inglobare, consistenza tipo una crema pasticcera, si tira su e si forma un triangolo dalla marisa

teglia poco poco butto, non carta forno

sac a poche, appoggiare bocchetta sul fondo a 45 gradi e pigiare senza salire, oppure Benedetta li mette usando sue cucchiai, uno pesca e l’altro lo spinge giu nella teglia

seguiranno fato …

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Pita bread (ricetta)

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Scones (ricetta)

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Monday, December 14, 2020

Ricotta recipe

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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Ribeye at Culina, Dempsey Hill Singapore

Celebrate Kera’s citizenship approval :-)

Nice USA ribeye, but S$108 (= €70 = ¥550) is it worth?


Monday, July 29, 2019

Kera birthday dinner at Cookhouse, Dempsey Hill Singapore

Fine dining:

- Caramelized beef tenderloin, slowly roasted tomatoes, crackling potatoes, bearnaise sauce.


- Crunchy eggplant parmesan, pickled finger chillies, basil.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Hema, first Chinese cashless supermarket

Hema, first Chinese cashless supermarket by Vito Donatiello blog

Several months we have heard of the innovative Amazon Go, a “prototype grocery store partially-automated, with customers able to purchase products without using a cashier or checkout station” (Wikipedia).

Despite delays in opening of cashierless store, in order to fix glitches in technology that automatically charges customers (The Wall Street Journal), the future ahead is clearly drawn.

Following on the footsteps of cashierless Amazon Go, China now has its own equivalent: the cashless supermarket: we could not resist going and experiencing it.

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Saturday, November 5, 2016

An average of 175 daily coffee cups are served in every Italian bars

175 daily coffee cups are served in every Italian bars | by Vito Donatiello blog

6 billion coffee cups (including espresso and cappuccino) are served in Italian “bar” in a year with a turnover of 6.6 billion Euros and an average of 175 daily coffee served in every coffee shop.

Considering the Italian population between 18 and 65 years old is 34,7 million, that means every other Italian buys a cup of coffee in a bar daily.

While Italian bars brew 17 million cups per day, the whole world enjoys an astonishing number of 2 billion cup a day (read the BBC News article)

Data elaborated from FIPE

Source: La Repubblica article

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pizza: Americans are the biggest consumers

Americans are the main consumers of pizza in the world @ vito donatiello blog

With an average of 13 kg per capita the United States hold the world record of pizza consumption. Italians rank second with an average of 7.6 kg each.

Source: Coldiretti

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Ice cream: Italians are the biggest consumers

Ice cream: Italians are the biggest consumers @ vito donatiello blog

Italians are ice cream biggest consumers, each year eat 12 kg per capita, plus 4 kg of industrial productions. In 2015 sales were up 8%.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What (American) consumers want to eat and drink?

Very interesting report on consumers preferences and habits


  • 75% of consumers eat pizza twice a month or more often
  • Women are more likely to order vegetable toppings; men are more likely to order meat toppings
  • Top 3 pizza toppings: sausage 54%, mushroom 51%, extra cheese 45%


  • 3 in 4 consumers’ snack at least once a day
  • Forget midnight snacks, mid-afternoon is prime snacking time


  • 80% of customers at coffee shops purchased only a drink on their recent visit (no food)
  • Grown-ups’s night out: when drinking away from home, consumers say they are most likely to order these adult beverages: 76% beer, 73% cocktail and mixed drink, 65% wine, 42% straight hard liqueur


  • 3 sandwiches consumers eat per week as average
  • 46% of sandwiches eaten are purchased away from home
  • 3 out of 5 sandwiches are ordered to go
  • Top 3 most ordered meat: chicken breast 47%, bacon 42%, ham 36%

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Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 New Year Eve

2016 New Year Eve by Vito Donatiello

  1. Mixed Tuscany crostini
  2. Scottish Smoked Salmon, with mushroom
  3. Tuna tartare, with tomato, onions and balsamic
  4. White beans and spelt, with bacon
  5. Saccottini (dumplings) filled with mushroom and truffle
  6. Lentils and cotechino (Christmas pig sausage)
  7. Sparkling sweet wine opening
  8. Midnight toasting to 2016

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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Florentine T-bone Steak (Bistecca alla Fiorentina)

DarioCecchini.jpgA favorite of Tuscan cuisine, Bistecca alla Fiorentina consists of a thickly cut and very large T-bone steak grilled over a wood or charcoal fire traditionally served very rare.

As early recipe dictates Bistecca alla Fiorentina must be: 1-1.5 kg; 5-6 cm thick; 3-5 min grilling per side (flipping it only once) and 5-7 min vertically standing on its bone so as to make the blood drain out.

Few months ago, when i heard In Shanghai some Chinese friends went to a small village near Florence to enjoy the famous Florentine Steak, I told myself it is a time I must go and see it with my own eyes. It is a very carnivore meal, lots of rare meat, not for everyone, thus I begged my father to accompany in this journey to the best known butcher in Chianti area: Macelleria Cecchini (self labeled “Macelleria con Cucina” = “Butcher Shop with Kitchen”). [Read More…]