Thursday, January 30, 2025

Tabata training


Le fasi

Riscaldamento (5-10 minuti).
Prima di iniziare, è fondamentale preparare il corpo con un riscaldamento dinamico per evitare infortuni e migliorare le prestazioni.
Esempi di riscaldamento: Jumping Jack (1 minuto); mobilità articolare (spalle, anche, ginocchia); stretch dinamico (20 secondi per gruppo muscolare).

Circuito Tabata (4 minuti).
Ogni sessione Tabata si compone di 8 round di esercizi ad alta intensità. Puoi scegliere esercizi diversi o ripetere lo stesso per tutti i round.
Esempio di Circuito Tabata:
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Saturday, October 21, 2023

Bushwalker, Scarpamondo

remember my favourite shoes :-)


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Self-publishing journey


  • first 3 months: 2000 $
  • 6 months: 5000 $
  • 12 months: 10000 $

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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Negligent behavior

Singapore subway, East-West line (green)





Monday, March 27, 2023

First ever wine article sold on Marker Content

Dean Graziosi, Tony Robbins buzzwords: “digital economy, knowledge business …”

at first I thought it was a scam … they sent 3 email asking for Paypal acct before I replied to them …


Sunday, June 19, 2022

The secret: the law of attraction



Do you really want it? You can have everything!
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Thursday, August 5, 2021


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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Project Next - Module 3

Module 3.1 – Marketing philosophy

Marketing and selling are different.
Marketing is attracting those you want and repelling those you don’t, getting people pre-qualified, predisposed, pre-ready to take action.
Selling is actually selling the thing and getting people to say yes.
Marketing is the oxygen for every business.

Walk into Barnes & Nobles and see all these incredible books. Did u ever think how many hours went into writing these books? 80% of these books have not sold over 100 copies. Out of the remaining 20%, 15% sold less than 1.000 copies. Only 5% sold more than 1000 copies. Think of the 15% sold less than 1000, 80% sold less than 100, possibly millions of hours went into that, they wrote something amazing and these books are waiting for people to come.

Selling is a service.
The right mindset is to realize that if you are not selling you are actually hurting people.

Love what you do so much that you feel bad if people don’t say yes.

Love what you do so much that you feel bad if you don’t get their credit card because if they don’t pay, they don’t pay attention.

Motivation and inspiration don’t create transformation.

Selling isn’t evil.
Do I fell bad to sell? If I was selling something that didn’t serve people, yes. But when I love what I do so much that I know if I don tit is a disservice, and I want to learn how to influence people to take action.

Four things that will make the difference:
1. We must live inside the mind of our prospect.
2. We must answer the questions that our prospect already has.
3. We must understand what they want, not what they need.
4. People will buy from you when they feel understood, not just when they understand you.


Marketing works. Courses sell. If your course isn’t selling it is simply a matter of the fact that there is an error. There is a red light in some place. What you are saying didn’t work. You didn’t resonate with other people. You didn’t go after the right audience.
Measure what works, measure what doesn’t work. Do less of what is not working and more of what it does.

Module 3.2 – Next level marketing: persuasion and sales

Need to learn how to market and sell and persuade and influence people to take action.

Hook -> Story -> CTA


Hook can sound like some kind of fancy marketing thing, I want you to thinks of “hook” as a stop sign, an attention grabber.
Most people don’t spend enough time on the hook, I believe this is the most important part of any video you are going to shoot.
The hook is that thing that you say and gets people to stop and listen.
The hook is the grabber, I’m going to listen, you got my attention, what you got?
I didn’t realize it at first. I missed the hook, the opening line. I just wanted to do like Larry did with all the celebrities but I am not a celebrity, most people don’t give a crap about Dean Graziosi, that he built multiple companies, that he did all this stuff… it is not about you, it as about them, the people.
How many videos do you watch on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube that start with “Hi, I am Bob Smith, I have been and I have done …” and then you click away.
I encourage you to obsess on your first sentence, which is also the same framing for the headline of your course.

Tonight, on Larry King. I am here with Dean Graziosi, he is a multiple New York Times best-selling author, self-made millionaire, started 13 different companies. And tonight we are going to talk about his book, Millionaire Success Habits, and how you can live a better life.

And then I changed into this:

Have you ever in your adult life looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, wow, I thought I would be further ahead by now?! if you have you are not alone. My guest tonight is going to share the strategies he has learned to make sure you live into your full potential.

That is the hook the first time Tony and I went live in front of 250.000 people:

If at the end of your amazing life you have the option of one or two things: you could make a great deal of money or you could have an amazing impact on the world, what would you choose? What if you didn’t have to choose? What if you could have both? I am so glad you are here with us tonight because we are going to show you that.

Everyone in the entire world makes the decision based on one of two things:
1. moving away from pain
2. moving towards pleasure

Every decision you make is based on that. Half of the people that are watching you are moving away from something uncomfortable. For the other half things aren’t bad, life is ok, got a decent job, but they know there is more, they were meant for more.

If you could come up with the magical hook and explanation to incorporate both, would you rather have success or impact, or both? That’s everybody.

Jane, are you stuck in a job that’s is not serving you? How would you like to make your passion your profit, or turn your passion into profit?

People in marketing have been using it around for ages. They called it an “open loop”.

“How can you finally get that 10 pounds off and get to your ideal weight without dieting” then the open-loop would be “today I am going to share the strategy that takes 7 minutes a day to be in the best shape of my life at 52 years old. First, let me tell you how I got there…

1. Speak to your ideal client’s goals, dreams, fears
2. Realize that the hook is nothing more than truly understanding your ideal client
3. Combina it with current affairs
4. Speak to “pain” and “pleasure” or you are missing half of your audience
5. use an open-loop


Now we have to do few things: we have to share why we are the authority, how do we know what we know, why this industry, why this product.

First is the origin story. The origin story is the story that gets people to say I see why he is good at this, why he wrote that book, why he wrote the course, I see what he went through and why he is an expert.
Remember this is not the story of your life, but a scene of your life.

I realized hard work alone doesn’t make you successful, or else my parents would have been.
Resourceful people focus on solutions. They look to be innovative. They didn’t blame their past, they look forward to a bigger future. they didn’t blame other people, they took responsibility.

Self-education is one f the fastest growing industry in the world, it is going to be a billion-dollar a day by 2025.

The next part is to overcome their beliefs or their doubts in advance. There are two types of obstacles: internal (I am not good, I am an introvert, I am shy, I failed before …) and external (I don’t have followers, I am not an expert, Facebook is too hard, my wife is going to think I am crazy …).

1. your origin story
2. why this thing, this product or service
3. overcome beliefs in advance (the Eminen story)
4. social proof (testimonials, your success story

Bridge to CTA

What is the bridge? I give you a couple of examples.

You share everything in the story and then you say “God I can’t believe my time is almost up, I have so much more to share with you. Picture an Iceberg, you know how they say, everything is below the water. Well, what I have shared with you is the tip of the iceberg, and I would love the opportunity to share the rest of the knowledge that I have learned through my 20+ years, I would love to share all of it. So I have just spent last year building a course to show you everything I have learned and I can’t wait to share it with you…

Another one: “Listen, if you going to be in the wine industry, I am betting you are going to need some help, It would be very hard to figure it out on your own and you are going to need someone to guide you. I would love it to be me. I have 20+ years of experience in the industry, I care, I know how to do it. I have already changed countless lives around the world and I would love to lock arms with you and show you how to do it. And that’s why I am so excited to share with you my course today…


I watch people when it comes to CTA go on and on and on. I know it is the most important, but people really want to know two things:
a) how I am going to feel?
b) what are my results

People want to learn from you, buy from you when they feel understood, not when they understand you.

“You don’t love it? 30 days money-back guarantee!”

Bonus: everybody likes a little bonus. “If you buy today, I am going to throw in extra live training, throw in the e-book …”

Urgency. People like to put off making decisions. There are logical buyers and emotional buyers. Don’t do fake urgency.
You need to do this now or else you are going to miss out. You might be waiting to make a decision, how long are you going to wait? What will be different in 1 year from today if you don’t make a decision today?

Quote from Einstein: “What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. You are waiting for a different result but you are not getting new thinking.”

So, what are the ingredients of a good CTA? Benefits, results, how you feel. sense of urgency to take action now. adding extra bonus, an extra scoop of ice cream. Money-back guarantee.

Dean Graziosi video transcript:

“I don’t know where you are in your life right now or where you want to go, but I remember been living in this house behind me. In fact, I lived in the bathroom with my dad for a while when we had nothing. I didn’t even have lunch money. And I always dreamed about a bigger life, a better life, but everybody around me told I was nuts. You have to have money to make money. You have to go to school and I should be more realistic. I should stop being a dreamer and guess what?

They were all wrong. I come back and I visited this little town and I love it here. But I went on to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in my life. I became a multiple New York Times best-selling author and I have been able to change so many people lives because I give you the simple recipes for success. If you desire another level of wealth, abundance and joy click the link on this page, gram my book, Millionaire Success Habits.

Yes, this book is on fire because I teach people the habits to wealth, the success principle. I have already pay for it, you just cover the shipping and handling so we can get it out of your door. I will send you the hardcover. And there is a bunch of cool bonuses. Listen, this is not a magic money machine. I am not promising instant wealth. What I am promising is to give you the habits that wealthy people have had forever, and it is your turn to have them. See why on Amazon people are going nuts. Why it is a 5-star review. You can buy it from Amazon for 19.95, or you can click the link on this page and grab a copy for free. I have already paid for the book. Yes, I ask you to cover the shipping and handling. And if that is too much, then maybe you are not ready for that next level of life.

What you need to do right now is to click the link on this page, go watch a quick video, get this book, get the bonuses. Even the shipping and handling is refundable if you don’t think it is the greatest book you have read in your life. Go read the reviews on Amazon. This boo is on fire. Learn how I went from living literally in the bathroom of that building right behind me with my dad., to generate hundreds of millions of dollars using the habits of the wealthy. And now you can get them in your hands. Click the link in this page before this opportunity goes away.”

Module 3.3 – Compelling Messages & The Value Ladder

I want to emphasize the power of “copy”.
The copy is the thing I write to get people to stop, the same thing as the hook. The same obsession needs to go in naming your course and also your headline. The thing that gets people to say I want to read more of this …

Remember the words we learned earlier: marketing stamina, planes fly, courses sell. We have to adjust so your course sells, need to have the right name, the right thumbnail, the right headline.
You might think your course sucks while you have the most amazing course in the world, but if you use the wrong words, the wrong visuals, maybe that’s why people are not stopping.

If it is wrapped in the wrong way, people don’t want to open the gift.

No colour, no fonts, nothing changed except one thing, the first sentence of the show, we changed the headline and we went on to sell millions of books.

So, how important is the headline that you write? Insanely important!

Your email should have a hook-story-close. Your email should hook them, inspire them and get them to take action.
Ley’s break this down. Subject line: has got to be great. The email has to be good, so they go and click through.
If not, just go back, start refining, testing, tweaking.
It is really speaking into their pain and pleasure, what they want to move away from or move towards? Is the copy really benefit-driven or it is option-driven?


Let me give u a glimpse into where you are going.

You go to MacDonald’s and just order a burger, what will they say to you? “Would you like fries and a coke?” If you get fries, what will they say to you? “Would you like to supersize that?”

When you overdeliver in everything you do, it is natural that some people want what is next, what is more, more connected, more personal time.
You build one thing and then you drive everybody to that one thing, that is where you should all start. But after that, I want to show you the evolution of this industry.

Example of my Value Ladder.
I do 3 podcasts a week, I do IG stories, I do FB, I do all of this for free to deliver value for people.
I write books.
I have mini-courses.
Courses 2.0, a little more expensive.
I have advanced training; this could be anywhere from 5.000$ to 25.000$

I hold anything back in any of these. What is the difference? The personal touch, accountability, you have a coach, this is where someone works with you and does it with you (as opposed of have everything but having to do it by yourself).

Lauren’s example.
She is going to create a 97$ course on how to find the angelic voice that lives inside you. The course is great, great headline, great 3 big bullets on how to sing beautifully. This course you should do on your own for 97$.
That is the start of something magical.
I think I can get that course but I want something more. Well, for these of you who want more I created a 997$ workshop, that I am going to hold in 3 weeks from now, it is going to be only 10 people and I am going to take you through for 3 days, personal train for you.
Hey, I gave everything I can to this group, but for those who want one-on-one time with me, I will be your coach for 6 months and take you to world-class singer.
This is potentially 100 people * 97$ course + 10 people * 997$ workshop + 1 person * 10.000$ individual training = 30.000$
Some people just want to sing better in the car, want to sing better at their family wedding, that is perfect for 97$. Some people want to make it a business and get serious. You are providing a menu; you are offering the option to supersize it.

This is all organic. But now I want to take this to another level, I am going to learn and hire someone to run ads.

Guess who wins in the game of placing ads? Those who can pay more to acquire a client.

It is called Cost Per Acquisition: how does it cost you to acquire a client.

Each one of your clients is worth 300$ because you understand the value ladder.

There is not a magical money machine. There is not getting rich for doing nothing.

Tony Robbins has a value ladder, it didn’t happen overnight, it took time to get there.

Sometimes you build something and you could go in both directions, upgrade or simpler.

We learned all the ingredients of a call to action. It is the same when you are building a course, when you are writing a letter, when you are writing an email. USE THAT AS A FOUNDATION WHEN YOU WRITE COMPELLING COPY.

Have marketing stamina to keep tweaking and adjusting.

VALUE LADDER: someone wants just the burger, some people want the burger with fries, some people want ice-cream as well.

Module 3 Bonus – Transformational Vocabulary and Global Metaphors

Most businesses don’t make it. The core issue underneath it is the inability to persist, the inability to push through your fears.
But what gets in the way of that? It is all these emotions! Your emotions are the power.

Words play a huge role in what you feel.

1. I teach people how to change the physical body: change your physiology and you will change how you feel.
2. I always teach change your focus, because whatever you focus on, you are going to feel.
3. Another thing that controls the way u feel is the meaning you give things.

We have habits of words we use and these habits actually create our emotions.
… all three of us, myself and my two partners were adversely affected by the business outcome. We all use different words and had different emotional reactions. I have got pissed off and angry as hell. He was enraged and want to kill someone. But he is a little peeved. Peeved is what stuck in my head.
Peeved and tingled, they sound so stupid!” but he said “I use them deliberately. When u get really upset the other guy wins. When u get really upset you lose control. I don’t want to lose control.”
He is peeved and tingled and barely upset. I am pissed off and angry as hell. He is enraged and wants to kill someone … we all have the same event and we all talk different ways …

It is very valuable to realize that our words create meanings, and from the meaning we create our emotions that control our decisions and our actions and the results we get in our lives.

In the middle of all of this, when people were freaking out, he said “this is inconvenient”. People were looking at him in shock and seconds after they were laughing.
His whole thing is that everything is a great day and the most it can be inconvenient. Sometimes we use words that magnify, make us stressed out and feel overwhelmed and we don’t follow up.

However you represent the world to yourself in words and in your head, whatever it is a word, a single word or a metaphor, your brain starts to feel like it is true. Because remember, whatever you focus on, you feel, even if it is not true.

Business is difficult, you know that. You have got to learn to manage your emotions, which really mean manage your mind: which star with your body, your focus and your language.

Sentence do start a sale call during Challenge

ehy, I am having so much fun training, we have 2 more days but it is going to be over in 2 days and this is just the tip of an iceberg, I want to let you know that I take this seriously and I spent the last 3 months creating a weekend workshop if you think this is good how about the total immersion … I just want let you know for these who want to go to the next level, I will have 10 spots for 997$ each when they are filled all I will take is this 10 because I want to give my full attention … alright, let me finish my training …

Project Next - Module 2

Module 2.1

- Knowledge industry
- Information industry
- Self-education industry

Think about it, how many things in life work for you when you didn’t have the guidance when you first tried to figure it out on your own? Sometimes even going to the gym, you try to do it on your own then you give up. If you ever get a trainer who keeps you accountable and shows you what to do, you get results, and that’s why you are here.

Did you ever hear the story of NASA trying to build and create a pen that worked in the space? Did you guys ever hear about that? NASA was trying to create a pen that works in the space. They tried everything because there is no gravity to push the ink down, they tried to pressurize it and all of those pieces. Do you know what the Russian astronauts use? A pencil. Think about that!

We have to niche it down, make it smaller. The smaller we get, the greater opportunity we have not only to grow our business but to grow our confidence.

Don’t be scared to niche down, because when you niche down, you actually expand the ability to grow your business.

The best definition of marketing I ever heard in my life was: “attracting those you want and repelling those you don’t.”

Happiness is not just about money it’s all about freedom.

How to get expert contribution: “Hey there’s too much pain in children from divorced families. You are an expert! I want to put together a course or a training or a workshop or a mastermind or a zoom call with people that could really help parents. I would love it if you would be a part of that because I love your work.” If you ask 50 people you will get 10.

They say the self-education industry he’s on fire. Unfortunately, people learning through their own trial and error takes too long it is too painful.

Model 2.2

Who is your ideal client? The person that goes: “I want to learn from you, exactly what you teach”

In most cases, our prospect, our future ideal client, is just us from last year, or 3 years ago, or 5 years ago.

What would be the ideal age? Is there a certain education you think they should have? What about gender? What about their income range? What are their hobbies?

What are three things that they keep up your ideal client and night? What are the biggest worries? What do they stress about?

Do you need to teach them in order to help them get results?

Marketing is leaning into and teaching the exact person to get from where they are to where they want to go.

Where do you think your ideal client hangs out?

You have the opportunity in today’s world to find your ideal client in moments when you know who they are, you know what you are teaching and you know where to find them.

Alexa is not a person, Alexa is your ideal client. How cool it is to know your ideal clients so well that you could say it is a great product, but not for our ideal client.

We live in a world where people don’t want to learn from professionals anymore, they don’t want to go back to college. They want to learn from someone who went through the experience. Who wants to learn from someone who has already been there? All of us.

Create a little solution statement.

I help ___ achieve ___ without ___

I help young college graduates take their hobby of photography and turn it into a full-time career without having to stress about getting new clients.

Module 2.3: Create your framework: how are you going to teach it?

Have you ever add a training that was very inspirational, but when you were done, even though you feel good, you didn’t know what to do next?

We know you need the training and tools, but you need the mindset first.

- story
- teach
- action

Your story has to be a scene in your life that sets up what you are about to teach.

The story has to show why you are experienced to teach this. And what you discover. The story allows them to see the end result in advance.

What people get wrong when they think of a story is they think of the story of their whole life. Remember, the story is a scene that sets you up to teach and why you are qualified.

1. your origin story tells why you are the expert
2. it is really just about the scene (we have already covered the difference between a story and a scene)
3. all you need is two good sentences to start off your story

“Have you ever in your adult life, looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, wow, I thought I would be farther ahead by now? If you are, you are not alone. Let me tell you about this… “

Be authentic and passionate when you tell the story. Don’t tell a perfect story. Tell me your story. People just want to hear from your heart.

Associate to your why: “me too” versus “so what”.

Give them your unique perspective.

Framework: story, teach, action.

Under teach there are 3 sections:
- strategy
- tactics
- social proof

Tactics are nothing more than the exact steps. Tactics are the things you do. It is the tactics that make the strategy real.

Then you anchor it in with social proof. Social proof: the proof that this works.

The last piece is action. The momentum has begun.

Sometimes people just teach and don’t want you to do anything. They would rather just inspire you and move on. We are in this business to help people not just inspire them. If you tell a good story and you teach without getting them to take any action, even an uncomfortable action, you will just be the provider of great information, not the person that changes their life.

Module 2.4 - Decisions, the pathway to success

The results come not by understanding stuff but by taking actions.

Why do most people fail? The answer is they fail to take action.

Knowledge is not power, it is potential power, it is a resource.

New results come from new actions, new actions are all fathered by decision. Decision-making makes the difference between being a leader and being a follower.

A real decision is when you cut off anything except the thing you are committed to. If you want to take the island, burn the boats.

The framework of my life is if I don’t like how something is, I change it.

The secret is the ability to make decisions when you don’t have all the information. A decision made from fear is usually the wrong decision.

Are you going to focus on what’s wrong or what’s right? What is wrong is always available so is what is right. Which one are you going to focus on? Because whatever you focus on, you are going to feel it.

Unless you discipline yourself to find the good, the way the brain works, the old brain, the survival brain it’s always looking for what is wrong. Then it will make you survive, but it won’t make you succeed. It certainly will not make you happy.

Power of decision. Make decisions more often.

Understand the power of the decision, make them more often, build the decision-making muscles.

Do you know how to avoid criticism? Aristotle said: “say nothing, to nothing, be nothing. That’s the only way not to be criticized.”

Learn from your decisions, then stay committed to your decisions, but flexible in your approach to get them.

To grow up as a leader you have got to make tough decisions because any idiot can make the easy decision.

Rule 13: “When put in charge, take command!“
“What did I tell you about Rule 13? When put in charge, take command. A decision needed to be made. It’s been 7 years and they can make a decision and both sides are equally intelligent. So I picked one.“ But General, what if it is wrong? “If it is wrong, we will discover it is wrong sooner than sitting on the fence. Then we will change it to another one. Meanwhile, we are moving forward. Do you know how I made that decision? Rule 14: do what is right. Do your best judgment of what is right. If you discover it is not, change it, if that doesn’t work, change it.“

Clarity is power, it’s easier to make a decision when you are clear about what you really want.

R > Result oriented > what do you really want?
P > Purpose-driven > why do I want it? what is the purpose?
M > Massive Action Plan > what to do, everything I think I need to do

20% of things we will get you 80% of your progress: we all know the 80/20 rule.

Realize how important decision-making is to make it a habit.

1. stack the habits (like take your vitamins more regularly, then place them next to your toothbrush)
2. start small (like you do three push-ups, but you do every day)
3. now that you’ve done something small, expand it, improve it

You are building momentum, your building muscle, you are building your mind, developing a new habit.

I learned from this guy who ran literally 1000 miles, he did this 1000 mile run over 11 days, you can imagine it?

Success leaves clues.

Sister Madonna story (grow belly, pregnant, start taking care of the temple, exercising, everyday 10% more)

Just make a decision.

If it is an easy decision, any idiot can make it. Make the tough decision, change your life, change your business.

Love and respect to you. God bless!

Module 2 – Bonus: Design a talk that influences with BEND WIMP

If your learning leads to knowledge then you become a foul. If your learning leads to action, as my friend Jim Rohn used to say, then you can do anything you want.

To grow your business everything you need is innovation and marketing: a) you’re going to innovate, that means you’re going to find a better way to meet the needs of your clients b) marketing is getting those who want to do business with you.

All the audiences I talk were completely different. Different demographics, psychographics, and today I work in hundreds of countries.

To influence another human being, you have got to know what already influences them, and everyone is different.

I want to make it precisely to meet their needs and that is how you over-deliver.

So what does BEND WIMP Stand for?

I want to know what do they Believe
How are they going to Evaluate what I’m sharing with them?
What are their Needs?
What are their Desires?
What are the Wounds?
What are their Interests?
Who are they role Models?
What are they Proud of?

Project Next - Module 1


Most people don’t succeed
Results come from an obsession with getting yourself to take action
What does it take to succeed? Massive Relentless Action

Listen, most businesses don’t succeed, 50% fail in the first year, 80% fail within 5 years, 96% fail within 10 years, the rest, 4%, doesn’t mean they are profitable, they just standing.

Who many people you know they know what to do, but they don’t do what they know?!?

Why I am doing this? REASON come first; ANSWERS come second.

Researches show that if you are just listening 30 days later you will remember only 10% of what you have heard, but if you are listening and taking notes, even if you don’t look up the notes again, 30 days later you will remember 50~55%.

KNOWLEDGE in not power, EXECUTION is power!

Inform people vs influence people
Teacher vs leader

How do we get ourselves to execute and take action?
The real secret to create momentum us a sense of CERTAINTY!
Practice a lot in private so you will have rewards in public.

Create momentum -> experience results -> see the results in advance
The mind doesn’t know if it is real or synthetic
Repetition, hunger, drive
Hunger means u never settle for less than u can do.
Step 1: get OBSESSED
Step 3: acknowledge THE GRACE IN YOUR LIFE

How long you give your child to learn to walk. If he doesn’t get up, he will try again, if not will try again and again. TRIAL and ERROR.


Repetition is the mother of skill!


FOCUS ON THE FIX: if you spill a glass of water, clean it and get a new one, move forward.

Binary thinking: climbing or sliding.
Identify things that move you forward and things that eat your time. Male a “No-To-Do-List”

Scheduling: set dedicated hours where you will do nothing but work on scheduled tasks in a proper order>

SELFISH is good for yourself and for others, it will help to create a LEGACY for those you love.


(Tony Robbins formula for its videos:
Hey, Tony Robbins, welcome back …
Hey, Tony Robbins again …

God bless!

What do you need to keep clear in your mind so your business grows and scales?
Philosophy determines the quality of WHAT you do, skills determine HOW you execute.

If you can do more for others than anybody else is doing in the marketplace, you will dominate!

We are all equal as human beings, but we are not equal in the marketplace.
Can u make more money? As long as you are more valuable.
Workers of McDonald’s add little value, CR7 add much more value to the team and the club.

“Work harder on yourself than u do on the job” – Jim Rohn

C.A.N.I. = Costant And Never ending Improvement

“Business is only two things: INNOVATION and MARKETING” – Peter Drucker

How long does it take to become good at what you are doing?
If you do something once a month it will take long long time. IMMERSION, MOMENTUM, OBSESSION …

Don’t fall in love with your product/service, fall in love with your ideal customer

Many people overestimate what they can do in one year, but they underestimate what they can do in a decade.

Find your ideal customer
Come up with an irresistible offer
Keep making yourself more valuable


You don’t go to the gym for the weekend and then you think you are good for the rest of your life. You got to keep going.

Old believes, inner villain, impostor syndrome, are u sure that is for you? All these will always attack you. With the right mindset anything is possible.
Sometimes we don’t need a 180-degree turn, but a slight deviation, in the long run, many miles later, it will result in a big gap.

It is a culture of progress, not a culture of competition!

The only person u need to look at is the person u used to be.

Many times people say they need a management tool, what they really need is a clarity tool.

1. Where are u now?
2. Where do u want to go?
3. Why do you want it?
4. What capabilities do you need?

People move mostly for 2 reasons: escape from something (making not enough money, not impacting as much); aiming towards something (have more to give, more potential).

We are meant for more!

150.000 people die every day!
3.700 people die in traffic accidents every day!

If you ask people what they don’t like in their life, they all can list immediately many things; but if you reverse and ask them where they want to go, 8 out of 10, will pause and reply “let me think about it”.

Focus on POSITIVE, not on NEGATIVE.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Kera made history!



I am so proud to stand next to a celebrity to be!
I love Kera!

Saturday, June 19, 2021

All work works. If it doesn’t work for us it works on us.





Forget perfection, embrace progression!



Tuesday, June 2, 2020

2020 06 02 Italian Republic Holiday - empty squares under Coronavirus







Sunday, May 31, 2020

Coronavirus: graphs on 3 months data collection on Italian pandemic

Today May 31st 2020 we are seeing the light at the end of the long tunnel.

Heavy were these days, especially March 21st Italy recorded 6.600 new infected cases, we all scared to go outside.
