Friday, July 5, 2019

Little Italy Dinner Party

Singapore, 5th July 2019 – Markus and Kian of Little Italy organized a nice dinner party.

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Monday, July 1, 2019

Aljunied dinner, chicken on fire

Singapore, 5th July 2019 – Near Aljunied MRT station dinner.

Watch the chicken on fire video

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Atlas Bar, what a surprise!

Singapore, 29th June, 2019 - Went for a drink at Atlas Bar, what a great surprise! Majestic art deco building, fantastic decorations lobby bar.

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Monday, May 13, 2019

Typical Shanghai sun

typical Shanghai sun … misty and blurry by Vito Donatiello blog

This is a very typical view in Shanghai, nice day, little sunny, but the sun is rarely clear, always misty and blurry …
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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

You’re only 50!

You're only 50 - Vito Donatiello

Monday, July 2, 2018

Japan: the dignity of a nation

Japan: the dignity of a nation by Vito Donatiello blog

What a lesson! After loosing the World Cup game at 94′ (and been sent home) fans helped cleaning up the stands and players cleaned the dressing room.

World Cup “class” winners!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Hong Kong is the most expensive city


Hong Kong is the most expensive city
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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Communism: nostalgia or anachronism?!?

Downtown Shanghai road by Vito Donatiello blog

Downtown Shanghai …..

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Hema, first Chinese cashless supermarket

Hema, first Chinese cashless supermarket by Vito Donatiello blog

Several months we have heard of the innovative Amazon Go, a “prototype grocery store partially-automated, with customers able to purchase products without using a cashier or checkout station” (Wikipedia).

Despite delays in opening of cashierless store, in order to fix glitches in technology that automatically charges customers (The Wall Street Journal), the future ahead is clearly drawn.

Following on the footsteps of cashierless Amazon Go, China now has its own equivalent: the cashless supermarket: we could not resist going and experiencing it.

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Friday, January 13, 2017

High school classmate reunion 30 years later

30 years later high school classmate reunion by Vito Donatiello blog

On July 1987 we had our state examination ending our 5-year high school journey. 5th Tele A was the last class: our Telecommunications major was last year, after that they changed into a new curricula to include more modern topics.

Good time, good memories!

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Saturday, November 5, 2016

An average of 175 daily coffee cups are served in every Italian bars

175 daily coffee cups are served in every Italian bars | by Vito Donatiello blog

6 billion coffee cups (including espresso and cappuccino) are served in Italian “bar” in a year with a turnover of 6.6 billion Euros and an average of 175 daily coffee served in every coffee shop.

Considering the Italian population between 18 and 65 years old is 34,7 million, that means every other Italian buys a cup of coffee in a bar daily.

While Italian bars brew 17 million cups per day, the whole world enjoys an astonishing number of 2 billion cup a day (read the BBC News article)

Data elaborated from FIPE

Source: La Repubblica article

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pizza: Americans are the biggest consumers

Americans are the main consumers of pizza in the world @ vito donatiello blog

With an average of 13 kg per capita the United States hold the world record of pizza consumption. Italians rank second with an average of 7.6 kg each.

Source: Coldiretti

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Ice cream: Italians are the biggest consumers

Ice cream: Italians are the biggest consumers @ vito donatiello blog

Italians are ice cream biggest consumers, each year eat 12 kg per capita, plus 4 kg of industrial productions. In 2015 sales were up 8%.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What (American) consumers want to eat and drink?

Very interesting report on consumers preferences and habits


  • 75% of consumers eat pizza twice a month or more often
  • Women are more likely to order vegetable toppings; men are more likely to order meat toppings
  • Top 3 pizza toppings: sausage 54%, mushroom 51%, extra cheese 45%


  • 3 in 4 consumers’ snack at least once a day
  • Forget midnight snacks, mid-afternoon is prime snacking time


  • 80% of customers at coffee shops purchased only a drink on their recent visit (no food)
  • Grown-ups’s night out: when drinking away from home, consumers say they are most likely to order these adult beverages: 76% beer, 73% cocktail and mixed drink, 65% wine, 42% straight hard liqueur


  • 3 sandwiches consumers eat per week as average
  • 46% of sandwiches eaten are purchased away from home
  • 3 out of 5 sandwiches are ordered to go
  • Top 3 most ordered meat: chicken breast 47%, bacon 42%, ham 36%

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Shanghai Disney Resort visit

Shanghai Disney Resort visit @ vito donatiello blog

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